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Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Supplier Identification

NAICS Correspondence Tables 

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying businesses for the purpose of publishing data related to the U.S. Economy.

IQS Directory

Manufacturers in over 180 categories in the US and Canada. Lists trade shows, manufacturing associations, and articles covering industry trends.


America's #1 industrial sourcing platform. Create a free account for expanded access.

Company and Industry Profiles

EDGAR: Securities and Exchange Commission

Search the filings of companies and entities required by law to file with the SEC. Some companies are required to disclose suppliers per SEC Regulation.

Commodity and Material Prices

Bureau of Labor Statistics Producer Price Index

The PPI measures the average change over time in the selling prices of various goods and services from domestic producers.

International Monetary Fund Primary Commodity Prices

Commodity price data updated monthly. See also the Data portal which allows users to visualize and chart commodity price information.

US Customs & Border Protection: Customs Valuation Encyclopedia (1980-2021)

Historical data, but also explains in detail a wide range of customs procedures such as “assists,” quota charges, and countervailing duties.

World Bank Pink Sheets

The World Bank releases "pink sheets" on the second business day of the month with commodity price information. They also publish market outlooks and special reports.

Agriculture: USDA Market News

The Agricultural Marketing Service provides free price and sails information to support the marketing and sale of farm commodities.

Energy: Energy Information Administration Data Tools

Various tools for exploring price, production, and consumption data for energy industries.

Metals & Minerals: US Geological Survey National Minerals Information Center

Select your mineral of interest and then select the relevant report. See also the Mineral Commodity Summaries.

Paper and Wood: Canadian Forest Service

Lumber, pulp, and paper price reports for Canada and North America.

Shipping and Warehousing

American Trucking Association: News and Insights

Reports on the trucking industry from the national trade association for truckers.

Baltic Exchange Dry Index

This index provides a benchmark for the price of moving commodities by sea.

Bureau of Transportation Statistics: TranStats

Reports include information on freight and fuel consumption by mode of transportation.

USDA Agricultural and Transportation Research and Information Center

Reports on the transportation of agricultural goods via road, water, and rail.

Warehousing Education and Research Council: Research and Resources

Reports and best practices from the professional organization for logistics management professionals.

Tariffs, Trade Agreements, and Imports/Exports

Canada Border Services Agency: Tariffs

US International Trade Commission: Harmonized Tariff Schedule

The official structure for describing goods in trade enacted by Congress. Turn off AdBlock to search.

World Trade Organization: Tariff Analysis Online

Allows users to search and analyze tariff data across the WTO Integrated Database and Consolidated Tariff Schedules.

Canada: Trade Agreements

European Union: Negotiations and Agreements

United States Free Trade Agreements

See also The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement from and Tratado entre México, Estados Unidos, y Canadá for coverage from other partners to the agreement.



Bureau of Transportation Statistics: TransBorder Freight Data

Census Bureau: U.S. International Trade Data

OECD iLibrary: Trade Data

Trade data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

UN Comtrade

Free access to detailed global trade data.

US Customs & Border Protection: Trade Statistics

World Trade Organization: Trade and Tariff Data


Country Commercial Guides

Includes information on market conditions, regulations, agreements, and business customs.

Export Solutions

Comprehensive guide to selling and exporting from the Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration.

Small Business Administration: Export products

Resources from the SBA on exporting goods.

US international Trade Administration

The US ITA enforces trade laws and agreements and provides resources for those interested in international trade.

Compliance Regulations, and Standards

Bureau of Industry and Security

A bureau under the US Department of Commerce, responsible for effective export control and treaty compliance. Check prohibited parties and destinations, review regulations, get policy guidance, and more here.

U.S. Department of the Treasury Sanctions Programs and Country Information

US Customs & Border Protection: Informed Compliance Publications

Guides for importing various products into the United States.

US Customs & Border Protection: Trade Resources

USDA Exporting Regulations and Standards

Regulations, policies, key services, and USDA research on the export of agricultural products.

Assent Regulatory Resource Center

Assent supports industry by providing resources for understanding and managing supply chain data. Their regulatory resource center allows users to search for regulations in Europe, North America, and Asia.

Chemical Safety Safety Data Sheet Search

Chemical Safety provides comprehensive, user-friendly support for chemical, waste, and facilities management.