This PBS site has interactive labs that demonstrate forces, materials, loads and shapes. You can apply this information to building bridges, domes, skyscrapers, dams, and tunnels in simulation. Very nice hands-on activities.
eFunda: Engineering Fundamentals
This site provides free content--materials, design center, processes, unit conversion, formulas, mathematics, career center, more--and membership areas. The Engineer's Ultimate Resource Tool
A portal to engineering schools, an online "library" with textbooks, ethics case studies, biographies and more.
Developed by a former computer science teacher, the site offers simple, clear explanations with graphics. The "ScienceStuff" channel includes engineering.
Overview, news, FAQs, links to articles and books, some in full text, such as Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology by K. Eric Drexler, 1986.
Nanotechnology basics, news, and general information.
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Federal agency created to work "with industry to develop and apply technology, measurements, and standards."
This branch of the military is involved in engineering projects all over the country dealing with wetlands protection, dam and reservoir construction, harbor maintenance, and more.
Engineering 360 (Powered by GlobalSpec)
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