Spanish Audiobooks from LibriVox
Over 300 free audiobooks in Spanish.
Electronic Books in Spanish from Project Gutenburg
A variety of free and accessible materials in Spanish.
Free Latin American and Spanish Videos
Gathered by librarians from the University of Albany.
From the Foreign Service Institute
Open textbook from the University of Minnesota Libraries.
Interactive Spanish Lessons from DuoLingo
Learn Spanish in Your Car - Spotify
Medical Spanish for Healthcare Providers
Free Spanish immersion including vocabulary, anatomy guide, and other basics for medical personnel.
Open textbook from the University of Kansas.
This OER source contains detailed grammar explanations of the Spanish language.
OER resource from the University of Texas at Austin.
Over 600 free audiobooks in French
Electronic Books from Project Gutenberg
A variety of free and accessible materials in French
Fourth Semester French: French Language Competency for the Global Work Force
Upper division French course from Louisiana Common Course Catalog
Produced by UT-Austin
Video instruction series in French produced by Yale University and PBS.
From the Foreign Service Institute and the Peace Corps
French Lessons/Videos - YouTube