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Historical Government Documents

Historical Congressional Resources

A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1875 Includes full text of the Continental Congress, Constitutional Convention, Journals of Congress, Debates of Congress, and Statutes and Documents 

American State Papers Full Text of legislative and executive documents of Congress during the period 1789 to 1838

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 1774-Present--Search for congress people by name, state, and office held. Biographical information often includes party affiliation, dates, places, offices held, photographs, and a reference or two.

United States Congressional Serial Set Full text of congressional documents from 23rd Congress (1833-1835) to 64th Congress (1915-1917). Produced by the Library of Congress.

Digitized Documents

100 Milestone Documents Produced by the National Archives

Library of Congress Digital Collections Digitized primary source documents, from the collections of the Library of Congress

Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress

Apollo Missions History of the Apollo missions to the moon, produced by NASA

Bill of Rights Full text of the Bill of Rights from the U.S. Constitution

Constitution of the United States Full text of the U.S. Constitution

Declaration of Independence Full text of the Declaration of Independence

George Washington Papers

The Avalon Project Yale Law School--Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy

The Federalist Papers From the Library of Congress

Foreign Relations of the United States This is a growing collection containing "the official documentary historical record of major US foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity." Covers 1861-1960

Foreign Relations of the United States Produced by the State Department. Covers 1861-2000.

General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management--Search for Land Patents by patentee name, warrantee name, Indian allotment number, Tribe, county name, section number, survey number, township/range, meridian name, or title.

Images of American Political History copyright-free images from American history.

Kappler's Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties--the complete legal text of all treaties between the United States Government and sovereign Indian nations. Site includes an index, keyword search engine, treaties arranged chronologically.

Library of Congress Web Archive Archive of electronic documents and web sites devoted to such historical topics as the Iraq war, 9/11, and presidential elections from 1997-present. 

National Portraits Gallery Portraits of the Presidents

Naval Historical Center  Provides extensive resources on topics in the history of the U.S. Navy

U.S. Army Center of Military History Provides extensive resources on the history of the U.S. Army

The International Military Tribunal Nuremberg,  Transcripts and related documents, digitized by the Library of Congress

Nixon Grand Jury Records Records of President Nixon's testimony before a grand jury in 1975

The Political Graveyard Find where your favorite politician, judge, or diplomat is buried. Many indexes.

Primary Documents in American History Covers 1775-1920. Produced by the Library of Congress

Public Papers of the Presidents Covers 1991-2016, Produced by GPO

Government Documents A to Z Digitization Project Digitized documents from government agencies. Produced by the University of North Texas.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum  Resources and information about the Holocaust

Roswell Report: Case Closed Download the full text of the Air Force report on the Roswell UFO incident. 

War of the Rebellion in Cornell University's Making of America. Search or browse Series I through IV, published by the Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, from 1880 to 1901

Web Harvests Online archive of federal agency web sites, dating back to 2004

Words and Deeds in American History 

World War II Posters This site contains a gallery of scanned full-color World War II posters. Search by topic, title, date, and keyword.

World War II Documents Government documents from World War II, digitized by the library at Southern Methodist University

Declassified Documents

JFK Assassination Files Declassified documents from the National Archives. New documents released in 2017 and 2018.

Truman Library Declassified Documents Declassified documents from President Truman's time in office

National Security Archive, "an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)."

Secrecy and Security Library Links to Declassified and previously secret documents. Produced by the Federation of American Scientists.

CIA Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room Full text of declassifed CIA documents

Cryptome Repository of declassified documents dealing with freedom of speech, spying, cryptography, and surveillance

FBI Vault Documents declassified by the FBI 

Government Attic Declassified documents from various agencies

Lyndon Johnson Telephone Conversations Recordings and transcripts of President Johnson's telephone conversations in the White House

McCarthy Hearings Transcripts of the classified McCarthy Red Scare hearings from 1953

National Archives Electronic Reading Room Declassified documents from the National Archives

U.S. Department of Energy OpenNet Declassified documents from the Department of Energy

U.S. Department of State Document Collections

Wilson Center Digital Archive International declassified cold war documents

The Black Vault Declassified documents on a wide variety of topics