Databases are a great place to start your search for scholarly articles since they provide the opportunity to search across a huge number of publications at once. A list of databases relevant to Education can be found at the bottom of this page.
TIP: When using the databases, try BOOLEAN searching.
Boolean describes the connecting word you use between your search terms such as AND, OR, & NOT. Using these connectors allows you the ability to link search terms, so you can find articles that address multiple subjects.
These options are sometimes found in drop down menus where you enter your search terms, or you will have to enter them yourself between terms. In EBSCO databases, you can find Boolean terms in drop down menus to the left of the fields where you enter your search terms.
Adding OR between search terms will search for all records with one term OR the other (this is a broader search tool).
Using AND between words will search for all records with BOTH or ALL search terms applied.
If you use NOT between the terms, it will search for the FIRST word in your search string and NOT the other.
Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete
Gain insight on issues in education administration, funding, and policy.
Collection of databases with ebooks and thousands of full text articles from journals, magazines, newspapers. Includes primary sources, images, and videos. Includes access to Educational Administration Abstracts and ERIC.
(New) JSTOR Arts & Sciences Collection
JSTOR’s Arts and Sciences Collections offer full-text access to hundred of titles in many disciplines of the arts, humanities, sciences, social sciences, business and education. (If you're off campus, please click on the link on the library's POD page).
Resources about children's and young adult books. Contains lesson plans and other educational resources.
Interdisciplinary database with thousands of full text articles from academic journals.
Search all the ProQuest periodical and research databases in one place.