National Education Association Website
Connect with other educators across the United States. Find news, grant opportunities, and helpful classroom ideas.
Here you will find information for educators across the state of Texas.
Video and resources for teachers across all disciplines and age groups. A great resource to find inspiration for your classroom.
An online video-sharing website for teacher to post and share instructional videos
This website provides a variety of resources authored by teachers. Some materials are free of charge. You can also post your own lesson plans, resources, and worksheets.
Here you can find learning tools and digital flashcards. There are many fun and interactive activities for independent study and classroom learning. Search existing flashcard sets or make your own set with the ability to add sound and pictures. Useful for many disciplines.
The Teacher's Corner: Crossword Puzzle Generator
Need a fun classroom activity for any age group? This crossword puzzle generator can help you engage students in vocabulary learning for any subject.
Pixlr: Free Online Image Editor
This is a great resource for teachers who need to use imaging editing software in their classroom. Pixlr has similar features to Adobe Photoshop and can be used to prepare instructional materials or as a resource for teaching graphic design.
Free online courses, lessons, and practice activities. These high-quality lessons include video tutorials. This is a great resource for STEM subjects, but there are other subjects offered as well.
CodeAcademy: Learn to code for free
This website provides a great introduction to programming and writing computer code. This would be a great resource for any STEM curriculum. This website contains interactive exercises that allow you to track your progress.
This website offers a variety of resources for ESL classrooms. The target age group for this site is elementary school students.